Kizomba dance night

Step into the rhythm with Jess and Charlie for an immersive Kizomba dance experience! Originating from Angola in the 1980s, Kizomba has traversed continents to grace our coffee shop with its vibrant beats and alluring moves.

Derived from the Angolan word for ‘party’ or ‘celebration,’ Kizomba embodies the essence of joy. Rooted in Semba, Kilapanda, and Angolan Merengue, its smooth, earthy dynamics and close partnership holds create a captivating dance form.

This session welcomes everyone, whether you’re new to dance or a seasoned enthusiast. Kizomba defies strict step patterns, prioritizing musicality. It’s about feeling the music and expressing it through your movements. Jess and Charlie will expertly guide you through each step, making it accessible to all.

No partner? No problem! No bookings either! Just bring yourself and your two feet – Kizomba welcomes solo dancers too! Join us for a sensational evening of music, movement, and the enchanting Kizomba experience.

Session £7-£10 – Bar open on the evening

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Nov 09 2024


8:00 pm - 11:30 pm
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